Exploring Ozone Therapy in DentistryYoung woman showing off her new smile after cosmetic dentistry treatment.

Ozone therapy has recently gained attention among some dentists as a potential treatment for certain oral health conditions. This alternative therapy involves exposing the mouth to ozone gas, which provides disinfecting and healing benefits. 

At Just Smile Dental, our Everett, WA, holistic dentist, Dr. William Webley, truly believes that the condition of your mouth is connected to your overall health. He doesn’t just believe metal-free treatment solutions are safer for our patients but also that it’s environmentally friendly. That’s why we offer ozone therapy as a holistic and preventive dental treatment

What Is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy involves administering a mixture of ozone and oxygen gases to the body through various methods. Ozone is a reactive form of oxygen that’s believed to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The study also found that it may also stimulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation.

In dentistry, ozone gas is applied directly to areas of the mouth and teeth using custom attachments on dental equipment. Proponents believe ozone therapy can help treat dental caries, periodontal disease, bone, and soft tissue infections, and other oral conditions. The gas can also disinfect root canals and dental equipment.

Proposed Benefits of Ozone in Dentistry

There are several proposed applications of ozone therapy for improving oral health:

  • Treating Dental Caries — Ozone may kill cariogenic bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Disinfecting Periodontal Pockets — Ozone could help fight periodontal pathogens.
  • Controlling Bone and Soft Tissue Infections — Ozone may reduce dental infection and inflammation.
  • Root Canal Disinfection — Ozone can cleanse the canal before filling.
  • Tooth Remineralization — Some evidence suggests ozone may help rebuild enamel.
  • Reducing Tooth Sensitivity — Ozone is claimed to calm nerve sensitivity pain.
  • Controlling Herpes Lesions — Ozone might prevent oral herpes outbreaks.
  • TMJ Therapy — Ozone applied to the TMJ may reduce inflammation.
  • Healing Oral Wounds — Ozone may promote the healing of cuts, ulcers, and sores.

Administering Ozone in Dentistry

There are several methods dentists can use to administer ozone to patients:

  • Ozone gas is pumped directly into the mouth through custom attachments.
  • Ozone passed through water in the form of bubbles can make an ozonated oral rinse.
  • Ozone mixed with olive oil can be applied as a topical paste.
  • Ozone bags placed over teeth and gums expose them to certain Ozone.

Proper ozone dosages and concentrations are crucial to avoid safety risks.

Dental Treatments With Ozone Therapy

Dr. Webley uses ozone therapy in several of his dental treatments, such as:

He also uses ozonated water as a disinfection agent for all his treatments.

Ideal Candidates for Ozone Therapy

While ozone therapy may not be appropriate for everyone, some patients may be good candidates if they have certain oral health conditions. According to proponents of ozone therapy, ideal candidates include:

  • Patients with early stages of tooth decay that haven’t progressed to cavitation. In the early stages, szone may help remineralize teeth and arrest caries progression.
  • Patients with gingivitis or periodontitis. Ozone could aid in disinfecting periodontal pockets.
  • Patients needing root canal disinfection before obturation. Ozone may enhance the cleansing of the canal space.
  • Patients with recurrent aphthous ulcers or oral herpes lesions. Ozone might accelerate healing.
  • Patients with oral wounds or irritation from dental treatments. Ozone may soothe and promote healing.
  • Patients with TMJ dysfunction. Ozone applied to the TMJ could reduce inflammation.
  • Patients who are concerned about exposure to dental chemicals. Ozone provides a chemical-free alternative.

What to Expect During an Ozone Dental Treatment

If you choose to undergo ozone dental therapy, here’s a general idea of what to expect:

Consultation & Preparation

Dr. Webley will discuss your oral health goals and examine your teeth to determine if ozone treatment may be beneficial. If Dr. Webley determines you can receive ozone therapy with your dental treatment, we’ll get started. He may place a dental dam or barrier to protect your airways and isolate the treatment area.


Your dentist will use a custom ozone delivery system to apply the gas directly to the targeted teeth or tissues. For some methods, he may use a suction device to remove excess ozone gas. You may feel a slight tingling or buzzing sensation when the ozone is applied. The ozone is often delivered in short bursts with breaks in between to avoid irritation.

A typical ozone treatment session may last around five to 20 minutes depending on the method and dosage. After the procedure, your Everett dentist will rinse your mouth thoroughly with oxygen gas to eliminate any remaining ozone. For gum infections, the ozone gas may be pumped subgingivally into periodontal pockets. The treatment may be repeated regularly at intervals recommended by your dentist.


You should follow all postoperative instructions provided by your dentist. Report any worrisome side effects like pain, swelling, or breathing issues after the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ozone therapy is likely inappropriate for certain patients including:

  • Patients with chronic pulmonary diseases like asthma. Ozone may exacerbate lung problems.
  • Patients taking antioxidants like vitamins C and E. These can neutralize ozone therapy effects.
  • Patients who can’t sit with their mouths open during the procedure.
  • Patients with extensive dental decay need restorations. Ozone alone can’t repair cavitated lesions.

No, ozone therapy should be seen as a complementary approach and can’t replace certain dental treatments like fillings for cavitated decay. It can be used alongside other evidence-based treatments to improve your dental care.

Ozone therapy isn’t painful. A slight tingling or buzzing sensation may be felt when the ozone is applied.

Some potential side effects include tooth sensitivity, oral irritation, and breathing issues if improperly administered. Proper dosing administered by a trained professional is important to limit adverse effects.

Exploring Ozone Therapy for Your Oral Health

At Just Smile Dental in Everett, WA, Dr. William Webley offers ozone therapy as part of a holistic dental practice. Call our Everett office at (425) 341-1111 to schedule a consultation to discuss your oral health goals and see if ozone therapy could benefit your smile. We’re proud to provide dental services to our patients in Edmonds, Marysville, Lynnwood, and Silver Firs, WA.